Graveyard Love - Me I’m Not Myself (2012)

Music Video,


Shot in/around Armageddon expo 2013; this was the first THUNDERLIPS music video.

Prior to this clip; Jordan Windsor used to hire Sean Wallace as his DoP, and visa versa. However when a “free camera” popped up out of the blue, attached to a cinematographer, Sean and Jordan decided to try co-directing a clip together. Armageddon was on, so they concieved the video around that. This video was concepted and shot over 48 hours; it gave rise to THUNDERLIPS as a directing duo, and introduced Candlelit Pictures to their long time collaborator Eoin O’Liddigh.





Eoin O’Liddigh

Beautiful Democracy (2017) Documentary, Short Film
Water for Gold (2016) Documentary, Short Film
Andy (2011) Short Film